Did medical negligence contribute to your child’s cerebral palsy?

Bringing a child into the world is an exciting, albeit anxious, time for couples in Connecticut. Every parent wants their child to come into the world safely and with a healthy body. Unfortunately, every year, numerous children are born with or later acquire cerebral palsy which will affect them for life and can affect the whole family in a variety of ways.

There are two basic types of CP, congenital and acquired. Congenital occurs before or during the birthing process. Acquired, on the other hand, occurs 28 days or more after an infant is born. Either type can result from medical negligence.

What is cerebral palsy?

This disorder occurs when a child experiences abnormal brain development or brain damage. Individuals with CP typically lack or lose the ability to control their muscles and suffer developmental delays. Congenital CP occurs more often than acquired CP. Infants most likely to develop congenital CP are:

  • Preemies
  • Babies with low birth weight
  • Children conceived with the help of reproductive technology
  • Multiples

Research also suggests that the mother’s health can contribute to the development of congenital CP, as can complications during labor and delivery.

How to spot CP

Some signs of CP are similar to those seen in other movement delays, so it is best to speak to a medical professional to get an accurate diagnosis if you notice any of the following signs in an infant:

  • Struggles to keep head up
  • Cannot roll over
  • Poor motor skills
  • Legs stiffen when picked up
  • Lopsided crawling

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, most CP diagnoses occur in the first or second year of life. However, those with mild CP symptoms may not be accurately diagnosed for years.

Was medical negligence to blame?

Medical negligence is not to blame in all cases of CP, but it certainly is for some. If your health care provider made a mistake, made a bad judgment call or failed to act in a timely manner when a problem arose and your child has CP, you have every right to question if filing a birth injury lawsuit is appropriate.

With assistance, you can determine if legal action makes sense. If it does, an attorney can provide help to pursue the matter and seek maximum relief for your losses and the losses suffered by your child.