Connecticut homeowners have rights regarding noisy neighbors

When you purchase your own property or house, one of the rights you receive as a landowner is the right to quiet enjoyment of your property. In the state of Connecticut, lawmakers take that term more literally than in other states. In fact, Connecticut has statewide laws, as well as local, municipal ordinances, that protect homeowners from noisy neighbors.

Whether you live next to a rental apartment that houses college kids throwing parties or a business that plays music loudly late at night, you have rights as a property owner. In fact, you can take legal action against the noisemakers if they don’t respect your right to quiet enjoyment of your property. You shouldn’t have to suffer through another noisy, sleepless night. Instead, you should assert your rights and stand up for yourself.

New Haven laws address time of day, as well as the volume of noisy neighbors

In order to ensure proper enforcement, Connecticut encourages different municipalities to adopt their own noise ordinances. New Haven has a relatively thorough noise ordinance on its books. Since 2006, the ordinance, as it currently exists, has protected homeowners from abusively loud noises, as well as late-night interruptions to their sleep cycle and life.

In some ways, the noise ordinance is somewhat liberal. For the purpose of enforcement, daytime hours last all the way from 7 in the morning until 10 at night, even on weeknights when children likely have school the next day.

However, that window of time is shortened to between 9 in the morning and 9 at night on Sundays and state or federal holidays. The law even goes so far as to discuss what decibels are inappropriate and how to determine noise levels related to a complaint.

You will likely need professional assistance to bring a successful noise complaint

The laws regarding noise level and enforcement in New Haven, Connecticut, are relatively complex. They may require professional verification of noise levels, as well as the ability to argue in court about how a violation has impacted someone’s enjoyment of their own property.

If there is a house on your block that throws late-night parties or a business nearby that creates a lot of noise pollution after 10 at night, you may have grounds to pursue compensation from the parties responsible. Typically, it is wise to first ask informally and politely if the other people will respect your need for quiet.

If they ignore this, however, you will likely need to take legal action to enforce your rights as a homeowner. Doing so is not frivolous. Instead, it helps preserve your quality of life and the value of your property. It is likely that your other neighbors will also thank you for addressing the issue.