The 3 most common surgical mistakes to be aware of

Medical doctors, especially surgeons, typically enjoy a relatively elevated social status. Most people hold medical professionals in high regard. That deference is a result of both the amount of schooling required for medical doctors and the higher incomes their jobs command. However, just because someone finished medical school and makes a lot of money doesn’t … Continued

Tips to avoid getting ‘doored’

Parked cars remain one of the biggest hazards for cyclists. You know, because you pass hundreds of them every day on the way to work. Yes, there are bike lanes, and they help protect you from moving traffic. They give you your own space and help increase awareness in drivers so that they look for … Continued

Do you know how to deal with medical malpractice?

When you seek out medical attention, you have a reasonable expectation that your health care provider will not cause harm in the course of treating your medical needs. Unfortunately, that is not always how such circumstances play out. In far too many instances, health care providers cause harm to patients that might otherwise never occur. … Continued

Are cyclists victims of ‘magical thinking’?

Some New Haven bicyclists may engage in “magical thinking” regarding bike safety. They figure that since they have done everything right — donned their bike helmets, worn reflective clothing and paid scrupulous attention to the rules of the road — they will be spared the catastrophe of a bicycle accident. The fact remains that doing … Continued

Bicycle safety gear: It’s a must

As a bicyclist, you should do whatever it takes to avoid trouble. By doing this, you never have to worry if your safety gear will prevent an injury. Unfortunately, even if you’re the safest bicyclist on the road, there’s a chance you could be part of an accident. With this in mind, you should use … Continued

Bicycle-related injuries and deaths may be preventable

Bicycle accidents are very serious, especially when the bicyclist is struck by a vehicle. This is why it is important for everyone who rides a bicycle to understand some of the basic safety rules for riding. The consequence of not following safety guidelines is not great. Bicyclists can die or suffer from injuries that will … Continued

Mystic restaurant draws noise complaints from neighbors

As reported in the New London Day, noise complaints are at the center of a dispute between Chapter One, a restaurant in Mystic and the Groton police and town officials. Reportedly, neighbors near the restauarant located at 32 W, Main Street have complained about noise levels at the bistro. Police stated that the restaurant’s managers … Continued

Drivers and bicyclists must use proper safety measures

Just because the weather is cooler doesn’t mean that bicyclists will stop riding. Instead, they will still be out in droves, a little more bundled up than they are in the summertime. Since bicyclists will be still be out on the roads, everyone needs to take steps to ensure their safety. Collisions with cars can … Continued

Are you ready for the realities of winter cycling in Connecticut?

Many people across the great state of Connecticut enjoy cycling as a hobby or as a means of environmentally-friendly transportation. Some people go out for weekend rides or hit the bike trail for exercise. Others use their bikes every day to commute to work. Whatever your reason for cyclying, if you plan to keep going … Continued

Avoid dangers of cycling on public roads during the autumn season

When people think of seasonal dangers to bikers, they often think of wet springs and icy, snow-covered roads in winter. Few people realize that the fall is equally dangerous, with its own unique set of risks when compared with the year. While there are risks to bikers in any season, autumn’s risks can easily get … Continued