The road less traveled is not necessarily safer for bicyclists

Most bicyclists take all of the proper precautions in order to ensure their safety on the roads. While drivers need to be on the lookout, and bicyclists must remain observant of traffic and obstacles, you may be unaware that the road on which you are traveling is itself a threat to your safety on your … Continued

Bicyclists are always at risk on the roads

Of all the people traveling on our roadways – including those in cars, in trucks or even on motorcycles – bicyclists are the ones who are most likely to be the victims of serious injury. In fact, according to statistics reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bicyclists face a higher risk of … Continued

Helmets make bicycling safer…right? Well, maybe not.

For many cyclists, the first thing they do before any ride is to make sure they are wearing their helmet. After all, safety always comes first. However, what may surprise most cyclists is that wearing your helmet may actually put you in greater risk of getting into a bike accident – thereby increasing your likelihood … Continued

College-aged individuals face significant risk when riding bikes

For countless college students, bicycles are an everyday part of life, even during the winter months. It is how they get to class and, in many cases, may be their primary form of transportation. However, while riding your bike may be both economical and good for your health, it can also be quite dangerous. In … Continued

5 tips for bikers this winter season

While often used to illustrate the determination of the U.S. Postal Service, the phrase that begins with, “[n]either snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night,” also aptly describes the resolve of many Connecticut bike riders who must routinely face adverse weather conditions. In fact, for some bicyclists, riding is a year-round endeavor, no … Continued

Children of deceased parents now have more legal options available

Many states allow loved ones to seek compensation when a family member is killed as a result of the negligent or reckless acts of another. Often included in these claims is a legal concept known as loss of consortium, which essentially is another way of describing the loss of companionship, care, love and affection you … Continued