Following rules of road doesn’t always prevent bike accidents

As a bicyclist, you should follow the rules of the road at all times. When you do this, you’re taking a big step toward preventing a serious accident in which you could be injured. Unfortunately, just because you follow the rules of the road, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll never be involved in an accident. … Continued

Compensation for bike damage

One of the most frightening experiences for a cyclist is being hit by a motor vehicle while riding. For those who are able to pick themselves and their bike back up and ride on, there is often an overwhelming feeling of relief that they are not dead or seriously injured that the temptation is to … Continued

Winter biking gear tips

There is nothing like a nice peaceful fall ride where you can enjoy the fall colors. Communing with nature indeed tops the list of perks for those who prefer a bike saddle to a car seat. But an increasing number of bikers here in New Haven are getting serious about winter riding and commuting (commuters … Continued

Road rash: a common biking injury

Bicyclists fit all walks of life. Some get on their bikes only occasionally, others use their bicycles as their primary mode of transportation, and still others head out on long recreational rides that are dozens of miles long. One thing that is hard to avoid is falling and getting scraped up, a condition that is … Continued

Stay to the right? Not so much anymore.

Remember when cyclists in Connecticut had to stick as close to the right side of the road as possible? Not anymore, since new legislation that was signed into law June 1, and went into effect July 1, 2016. The new rules are intended to increase biker safety and allow more flexibility for bikers to make … Continued

The dangers that bike riders face

Bike riding is great exercise, and regularly riding, such as for commuting or running errands can do a lot to save money and the environment. But biking has its dangers too. Bike riders are far more exposed to the outside world and vulnerable to injury than those who confined to traditional motor vehicles. While many … Continued

How bicycle safety audits improve public safety

It was recently announced that 81 Connecticut communities are set to receive road safety audits designed to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety this year and next. Connecticut towns that are being audited for road safety include Colchester, Griswold, Norwich, Sprague, and Montville. Yet even if your town is not on this list, you may still … Continued

Would increasing fines for motorists make roads safer for bicyclists?

In recent months, cycling advocate groups have been vocal in their attempts to persuade lawmakers to consider harsher penalties for drivers who fail to yield to bicyclists and pedestrians. They propose that increasing the fines that are imposed upon drivers will decrease the number of accidents involving bicyclists, and the injuries they will potentially suffer … Continued

Open car doors: a real hazard for bicyclists

Bicyclists have to be hyper-vigilant when biking throughout Connecticut, especially in New Haven. This is due to the amount of traffic and narrow roadways in the area. Cars, bicycles and pedestrians share a limited amount of space and need to be aware of each other at all times. Unfortunately, motorists still think they have the … Continued

The road less traveled is not necessarily safer for bicyclists

Most bicyclists take all of the proper precautions in order to ensure their safety on the roads. While drivers need to be on the lookout, and bicyclists must remain observant of traffic and obstacles, you may be unaware that the road on which you are traveling is itself a threat to your safety on your … Continued