Common birth injuries: Did your child suffer from one of these?

When you spend nine months waiting for your child to come, it can be devastating to see your baby suffering from a birth injury. You only want the best and easiest life for your child, so you will no doubt take every step available to ensure your child receives the most advanced medical care and … Continued

What injuries are most common in bicycle/car crashes?

Whether you get on your bicycle for exercise, your commute or just for fun, riding on the road comes with some risks. You’re aware of that fact, so you take steps to minimize the potential danger. That could mean wearing a helmet and adding reflectors or lights to your bike. It could also mean avoiding … Continued

Professional tips for bike riding in the summer

Summer weather in Connecticut means that more cyclists will be out on the roads. You might want to make the most of the warm weather, too, by going on some leisurely rides with your family and friends. When you’re out and about on your bike in the hot sun, you’ll want to avoid getting into … Continued

Have you been the victim of a ‘dooring’ accident?

Riding bikes, whether for weekend exercise or your daily commute, is an admirable practice. It provides exercise, reduces your environmental impact and can make you feel awake and alert. The downside, however, is that you can be severely injured in an accident. Most bicyclists know to watch out for cars and other motor vehicles that … Continued

Staying safe: 4 tips for staying safe in the bike lane

You love heading out for a bike ride, but you know that when you’re on the roads, you’re at risk of being hit by a car. Even though you use the bike lanes, there’s no guarantee that you won’t get hit. Drivers don’t always pay attention, and those who are parked could fling open a … Continued

Caregiver’s malpractice: Did your obstetrician commit negligence?

Did you come home from the hospital after a difficult birth? Did your baby suffer severe birth injuries and you’re not sure if he or she will fully recover? Clearly, you want answers and you want to know how you’re going to pay for all the medical bills resulting from the additional treatments required. It … Continued

The expense of a dog bite: An adult’s guide

Dog bites are not inexpensive. In fact, the average dog bite claim in 2010 cost $26,166. As someone who has been attacked by a dog, the good news is that the owner is liable for the attack so long as you did not provoke the animal on purpose. For example, hitting an animal to provoke … Continued

Commuter cycling: Getting exercise on the way to work

Cycling is an excellent way to get exercise into your busy workday. You work several miles from home in New Haven, but you’ll save on gas and don’t necessarily need to have a vehicle at home. As an avid cyclist, you know that it can be dangerous to be on the roads. Sometimes drivers don’t … Continued

Cycling safety tips 101 – have a plan

As a cyclist, you know there are dangers involved during your training rides. Accidents happen all the time. Just last week, one of your friends hit a pot-hole, went end-over-end, and ended up in the hospital with a broken collar bone. You have had plenty of close calls yourself. Dodging distracted drivers and packs of … Continued

What to do when your child is the victim of a dog bite attack

As a parent, you want to minimize the pain and suffering your child experiences. However, sometimes things happen that are simply out of your control. That can include a dog bite attack. Whether your child was bitten while visiting the home of someone you know, walking in the street, or by a roaming dog while … Continued